Oil Transshipment & Storage complex in port area for sale.
Description of location:
- Navigation in the port all year round.
- Depth of berths up to 10 meters (accommodate vessels of displacement of up to 10,000 tons).
- Access to the Black Sea through the channels of depth 5.0 m and 7.2 m.
- Total land area – 5,01 ha (lease): currently in use area – 1,86 ha; opportunity for development – 3,15 ha.
Terminal includes:
- Vertical tanks – 5 units (two tanks are able to operate with mazut).
- The total volume of the tanks – 15,000.00 cub.m.
- The volume of each tank – 3,000.00 cub.m.
- The number of independent sewers – 4 units.
Capabilities of complex:
- Provides a simultaneous reception of cargoes from railway tanks in storage at the main front of deflux;
- Carry out loading \ unloading of ships simultaneously at three berths;
- Specialized system of heating for pipeline and storage tanks.
Capabilities of handling \ implemented of handling (by products):
- mazut – 20,000 tons\month;
- sunflower oil – not less than 3,000 tons\month;
- diesel fuel – 10,000 tons\month;
- industrial \ technical oils – not less than 3,000 tons\month;
- gasoline – not less than 3,000 tons\month;
- vacuum gasoil – not less than 3,000 tons\month;
- rapeseed oil – awarded a Contract (pending for transshipment).
Technological options for storage and transshipment of cargoes:
- Railway tank – Vessel (direct option).
- Railway tank – Storage tank – Vessel (includes storage \ accumulation).
- Vessel – Storage tank – Vessel (includes storage \ accumulation).
- Vessel – Railway tank (direct option).
- Vessel – Storage tank – Railway tank (includes storage \ accumulation).
Norms loading \ unloading:
- Production capacity – 300,000.00 tons\year.
- Loading vessel – 180 cub.m\hour – 350 cub.m\hour.
- The rate of unloading the cargoes from railway tanks – up to 1,500.00 MT\day.
- The rate of loading cargoes in railway tanks (upper filling) – 1,200.00 – 1,300.00 MT\day.
Development (Second Phase):
- construction of berth for receiving tankers and LNG-vessels;
- increase the capacity simultaneous storage – 3 Х 3,000.00 cub.m or 2 Х 5,000.00 cub.m;
- pipework system, that providing acceptance liquid bulk cargo from vessels on the berths backwater port and loading to sea vessels on the new berth;
- loading LNG on the vessels.
Current status of Second Phase – conducted geodetic and geological surveys, conducted measure the depth in the area of the intended berth, developed a project berth and technical project on construction of the second phase of the complex.