Government to increase revenues from privatization in 2014 to Hr 17 billion (Kyiv Post)
The Ukrainian government’s economic development stimulation program for 2013-2014 envisages Hr 10.9 billion as revenues from privatization in 2013, and Hr 17 billion in 2014.
According to the document, whicn was approved by Cabinet of Ministers resolution No. 187 of Feb. 27 and was posted on the government’s Web site on Monday, the share of the state sector of the economy in GDP is expected to decline from 37% to 25-30%.
The program foresees that privatization will be conducted on the principles of openness and transparency, conditions will be created for the effective development of companies after privatization and investors interested in long-term development will be involved in privatization.
As reported, revenues from privatization in 2012 amounted to Hr 6.76 billion, with the target being Hr 10 billion. The target was 0.23% fulfilled in January-February 2013, but the State Property Fund hopes to improve the situation through tenders on the sale of such large enterprises as Centrenergo, Donbasenergo and the Odesa Portside Plant.