National Bank of Ukraine expects that the international financial institutions to finance projects in Ukraine for more than $ 19 billion.
National Bank of Ukraine expects that the international financial institutions to finance projects in Ukraine for more than $ 19 billion. This told the chairman of the National Bank of Ukraine Valeriya Gontareva.
Earlier Valeriya Gontareva said that the International Monetary Fund (IMF) may increase the lending program in Ukraine. «The Head of the Fund (Christine Lagarde, IMF Managing Director) stressed that the program can be increased» – said V.Gontareva.
Valeriya Gontareva together with the Minister of Finance of Ukraine Oleksandr Shlapak recently returned from Washington where they met with representatives of the IMF and the World Bank. Following the meeting they stated that the current IMF program for Ukraine does not need correction. Correction with respect to the amount of financial support available in the next year, said Aleksandr Shlapak.