Reserves of National Bank of Ukraine increased to $ 12 billion.
Foreign exchange reserves rose by listed August 4th tranche of the International Monetary Fund in the amount of $ 1.7 billion.
Gold and currency reserves of the National Bank of Ukraine, by the beginning of August $ 10.38 billion, increased to $ 12 billion, said the Prime Minister of Ukraine Arseniy Yatsenyuk.
He noted that the World Bank on August 25 approved the allocation of Ukraine the second multi-sector development policy loan (DPL-2) in the amount of $ 500 million, which will go to the accounts of the government until September 9.
“This opens the door for us to additional financial resources that Ukraine will be able to receive from Japan – $ 300 million and other contributors,” – said A.Yatsenyuk.
According to him, on the order of allocation of Ukraine, the World Bank another $ 500 million for system project “The second program loan for development policies of the financial sector” (FSDPL2) which also go to the accounts of the government and “create a real pillow financial stability.”
The Prime Minister reminded that this year the government is subject to possible threats from the international financial markets, accumulating financial resources and now has the single treasury account of 30 billion USD and 35 billion USD – foreign currency accounts.
“In general, the financial situation, which is in Ukraine is stable enough and all the activities that were carried out by the Government in collaboration with our international partners, saying that there is a sufficient financial cushion and sufficient resources to keep the resistance” – said A.Yatsenyuk.