The current account of Ukraine went into a plus in April.
The current account was in surplus in April, he said during a press conference the head of the NBU Valery Gontareva.
According to her, this is due to the growth of exports. The growth of Ukrainian exports, the head of the regulator, was primarily related to higher prices for steel and iron ore on the world market against the backdrop of increased demand.
As a result, it increased the amount of currency into the country. “The volume of revenues from non-residents increased from $ 171 million a day in January to $ 231 million in May,” – reported in the NBU.
Recall that in general for the first quarter of this year, the current account deficit amounted to $ 842 million, or 5.3% of GDP, which is more than twice the rate of the first quarter 2015 – $ 429 million (2.4% of GDP).