Ukraine produced nearly 2 million tons of sunflower oil in 2014.
Posted in News.
Vegetable oil production in Ukraine since the beginning of the season (September 2014) amounted to 2.1 million tons, including sunflower – 1.98 million tons. This is evidenced by the balances of interdepartmental working group under the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade, published on the site MEDT.
Just as predicted in the ministry, for the 2014/15 MG will produce 4.4 million tons of oil of which 4.2 million tons will be sunflower.
Export of vegetable oil will be 3.96 million tons, 1.8 million tons of which have already been delivered to foreign markets.
Sunflower oil exports is forecast at 3.7 million tons. At the same time from the beginning of the season Ukrainian processors already exported 1.7 million tones.