Ukraine will be able to deliver abroad 15 million tons of grain – USDA.
Ukraine increased export of wheat to Egypt and Asian countries.
In the first quarter of the season the volume of deliveries of grain significantly leading indicators in July-September last year. According to the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food, on 26 October 2015 it was exported abroad 2.68 million tons of grain against 3.32 million tons that Ukraine exported in October 2014.
Since the beginning of the current season, the export of Ukrainian wheat has exceeded 7.1 million tonnes, against 6.4 million tonnes in July-October 2014/15 MG. Boosting supply contributed to both higher gross grain harvest in comparison with the previous year, and the release of the export infrastructure in connection with the late start of harvesting late crops, particularly corn and soybeans.
The increase in the domestic supply of wheat allowed to expand its supply of traditional customers and new markets. Since the beginning of the season has increased export of Ukrainian grain to Egypt. Actively expand domestic exporters are in the Asian direction.
According to representatives of grain trading companies, competition Ukrainian wheat on the world market is now almost is not felt.
But as for class 3 and coarse grains, the Ukraine is the undisputed leader, at least among European manufacturers. Feed wheat we actively buy Israel, the countries of Southeast Asia, and many other foreign buyers.
According to the October USDA forecast of Ukraine in the season can put into foreign markets 15 million tons of wheat, 1.5 million tonnes more than forecast in September. Some of our exporters are even more optimistic – they believe can supply abroad and all of the 16 million tonnes. However, these forecasts come true, it is extremely important economic stabilization in Ukraine, including the stability of the national currency.