Ukraine will receive from the EU 30 million euros for the modernization of border crossing points.
Ukraine will receive 30 million euro grant aid from the European Union due to the extension of the four programs of cross-border cooperation, recently signed by the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade (MEDT) with the European Commission.
According to the Ministry, the funds will be used for further development and modernization of the international automobile checkpoint “Krasnoilsk” and “Dyakovtsy” at the Ukrainian-Romanian border; “Rava-Russkaya,” “Ustilug – Zosin”, “Krakovets”, “Shehini” and “Yagodyn” – on the Ukrainian-Polish; “Uzhgorod – Vishnyay German” – on the Ukrainian-Slovak; and “Luzhanka – Beregshuran” – on the Ukrainian-Hungarian.
According to the Ministry, part of the grant provided for the development of modern IT-infrastructure departments of border and customs services, reducing the vulnerability of border areas against the risk of flooding, to improve the situation with pollution from chemical dumping and discharge of waste water in the Lower Danube, the peer review in order to integrate Ukrainian and Moldovan electrical systems in the energy network ENTSO-E.
“Thanks to the agreements signed EU extended until 31 December 2016 the joint operational program of cross-border cooperation “Romania – Ukraine – Republic of Moldova, 2007-2013. “Poland – Belarus – Ukraine 2007-2013. ” Hungary – Slovakia – Romania – Ukraine of 2007-2013. and Black Sea Basin, the years 2007-2013. “- added to Ministry.