Ukrainian farmers have already harvested 62 million tons of grain
Ukrainian agrarians by 25 November harvest on an area of 13.6 million hectares, or 95% of the forecast, harvested 61.6 million tonnes of grains with the average yield of 45.2 c / ha, the press service of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food.
According to the announcement, agrarians harvested 22.4 million tons of corn from an area of 3.6 million hectares (84% of the forecast). Buckwheat threshed 192 thousand tons from an area of 149 hectares (100% of the forecast), millet – 191 thousand tons from 104 thousand hectares (100% of the forecast). According to Ministry of Agrarian Policy, agrarians continue to collect sunflowers, which threshed 13.4 million tons from an area of 5.9 million hectares (99% of the forecast).
Besides, agrarians harvested 4 million tons of soybeans from an area of 1.8 million hectares (96%), and also collected 12.7 million tons of sugar beet from an area of 266 thousand. Ha (91%). The largest grain shaft assembled in Vinnitsa (5.6 million tons), Odessa (4.5 million tonnes) and Poltava (4.4 million tons) regions.
The highest grain yield level was observed in Vinnitsa (65.2 t/ha), Cherkassy (63.7 t/ha), Kiev (60 kg/ha), Khmelnytsky (57.8 t/ha) and Poltava (57.5 c/ha) areas.
According to the report, the grain harvest in Ukraine in 2016 is expected at 64 million tons, which will fully satisfy domestic demand, ensure food security of the state, and will keep good potential resource for supply to foreign markets.