Total area land plot: 344 ha
Area arable land: 336 ha
Description of Complex:
- Stock-raising complex: pigs – 360; cattle – 33; fowls – 1,200.
- Production Complex – Mill complex; Sawmill with equipment; Woodworking workshop with a set of machine tools; Bakeshop with complex of equipment for baking bakery products.
- Cultivation Complex: Greenhouses of pellicle on steel structures – 1,1 ha; Growing crops (336 ha) – wheat, barley, sunflower seed, maize, buckwheat, rapeseed, tomatoes, sugar beet.
- Warehouses and support complex: The storage tanks for fuels and lubricants – 120 cub.m.; Farm Courtyard – 6,5 ha; Elevators, warehouses, grain-current; Cowshed, piggeries, milking parlors; Administrative, trading and other technical buildings.
Available agricultural equipment and machinery:
- Harvesters – 4 units
- Tractors – 26 units
- Lorries – 10 units
- Shallow farm equipment – 127 units