This universal financial-and-credit institution serving business entities and individuals.
Member system S.W.I.F.T.
Number of Branches – 7;
Number of employed – more 100;
Number of ATM – 8 (own ATM) + partner’s ATM network UkrCard (more 3,000)
Basic services of the bank (according to the licenses and permits):
– loans to business entities and individuals;
– guarantees and sureties;
– factoring;
– deposits in local and foreign currencies;
– teller services and issuing certificates of account status;
– servicing FOREIGN TRADE activities;
– transportation of valuables and cash collection;
– leasing of individual safes;
– payment of utilities and other payments;
– transfers from current accounts;
– operations with bank payment cards of NSMEP (Ukraine) and MasterCard Worlwide payment systems;
– currency exchange transactions and exchange of worn-out currency;
– operations with bank metals (buying and selling, placing on deposit and safekeeping) and sale of commemorative coins, etc.;
– Western Union, MoneyGram, Anelik, Avers, etc. international money transfer systems services.
Assets – more 400,000,000 UAH
Bank is operating, have profit.