Wine and Cognac Plant in Ukraine. Start your own business in Ukraine .
Total area of plant – more 7,5 ha (private property)
Total area of buildings – more 18.000 sq.m (private property)
Production structure:
- primary winemaking (grape processing, production of wine materials for wine and cognac) – production lines (3) with crushers, crest separator, raw materials processing pumps, pneumatic presses, tanks and filter presses – capacity of 000 mt of grapes per season.
- primary a fruit winemaking (processing of fruits and berries, production of fruit wine materials) – processing of apple (more 8.500 mt per season), vacuum of evaporator with catcher aroma (3.000 liters per hour), storage capacity is more 1,8 mln liters.
- full-cycle production of cognac (distillation of wine materials, extracting cognac spirits, blending) – Ukrainian production unit (1.000 liters of absolute alcohol per day), French production unit (250 liters of absolute alcohol per day), Italian production unit (12.000 liters of absolute alcohol per day) – total capacity of distillation of more 2 mln liters per season (October – March); extracting capacity – more 300.000 liters of oak barrels, more 3 mln liters of clapboard tanks.
- distillation of fruit materials, extracting of fruit spirits
- secondary winemaking (bottling of still wines, bottling of cognac, bottling of fruit brandies and alcohol beverages) – 3.000 bottles (0,25-0,50L) of cognac per hour (3 lines, Italy & Czech origin); 3.000 bottles (0,50-0,70-0,75L) of wine per hour (1 line, Italy origin), 300 bottles per hour for souvenir products. Total capacity is more 6 mln liters of cognac and more 2,5 mln liters of wine.
- production of non-clarified concentrated juice (apple or grape)
Certified storage capacity – about 8 mln liters.
Intangible assets – licenses for: production of grape and fruit wine materials, production of grade and fruit spirits, production of alcoholic beverages (except vodka), wholesale, export & import.
Additional opportunities – buying of cognac brand with more 10-years history (details upon request).
Notes: vineyards, fields and gardens are not subjects of sale.
Technical description of territory \ communications:
- water capacity – artesian well on site (30 cub.m per hour) with diluting network (Water Tower);
- sewage – city collector;
- heat supply – boiler room (x2), natural gas;
- electricity supply – 1 MW substation, 630 kW + 230 kW (reserve).