Purpose of the Project – construction, operation and management of solar power plant complex in Ukraine.
- Total capacity of the first stage – 42 MW
- Location – Odessa region, Dnipro region, Kirovohrad region
- Status of project documentation – «Shovel Ready».
- Potential form of cooperation – JV and other form of investment.
Total area of lands – 79.14 ha (49 years lease contract)
- Kirovohrad region – 50.0 ha;
- Odessa region – 14.0 ha;
- Dnipro region – 15.14 ha.
Total capacity of the first stage – 41.65 MW
- Kirovohrad region – 24.75 MW;
- Odessa region – 7.0 MW;
- Dnipro region – 9.90 MW.
Some technical indicators of the Project:
- Annual global irradiation received, total – 8,908.00 kWh/sq.m
- Annual electricity production, total – 7,189.00 kWh/kWp
- Green tariff rate, total – 0.25 EUR/kWh
Background to Investment:
- green tariff rates are approved EUR 0,1499 for 1 kW/h if connected in 2017-2019;
- the role of alternative energy in the world continues to increase;
- renewable energy industry of Ukraine makes slightly more than 1,3% of total country’s generating capacities, and less than half out of this amount is accounted for the solar energy;
- according to the Energy strategy of Ukraine till 2020 which is the part of its international obligations, the share of the renewable energy should reach 11% of total capacities;
- green tariff law adopted in 2009 and effective till December 31, 2029, gives an incentive to produce energy under the Green tariff;
- facility constructions, using materials and services of Ukrainian origin will increase the Green tariff up to 10%.