Analysts ranked the most reliable banks in Ukraine in 2016.
Rating of the most reliable banks in Ukraine in 2016 compiled by analysts “” based on official statistics, Ukrainian banks, provided the NBU.
The rankings Ukrainian banks take into account the bank’s ability to return the deposit without delay if it will financial problems or problems with repayment of loans and rising indebtedness of clients and the level of support of shareholders and the state.
Factor plays an important role owner in terms of capital and liquidity replenishment resources is the basis of stability under stressful conditions. No bank, owned by the government or international financial holdings, was not recognized as insolvent.
The most reliable banks in Ukraine in 2016 according
(TOP-15 rating of the banks: June 2016)
Bank Credit Agricole (Credit Agricole, France)
Kredobank (PKO Bank Polski, Poland)
UkrSibbank (BNP Paribas Group, France)
Raiffeisen Bank Aval (Raiffeisen Bank, Austria)
Oschadbank(100% government guaranteed deposits)
Ukreximbank (state)
Ukraine Citibank (Citigroup, USA)
ING Bank Ukraine (ING Groep, Netherlands)
Ukrsotsbank (ABH Holdings, Luxembourg, Russia)
Alfa-Bank (ABH Holdings, Luxembourg, Russia)
ProCredit Bank (ProCredit Bank, Germany)
Pravex Bank (Intesa Sanpaolo, Italy)
Ukrgasbank (State)
First Ukrainian International Bank (SCM Finance)
OTP Bank (OTP Bank, Hungary)
Under the reliability of the bank should understand the financial institution’s ability to resist unfavorable factors, but reliability and probability of default – the concept is different. The bank, which has a high level of reliability, may face strong influence of negative and unforeseen factors that could lead to its bankruptcy, while bank with satisfactory rating will continue to operate as a result of circumstances avoid the negative impact of these factors. You must also consider the political risks.
The top 10 safest banks for individuals
1. Oschadbank (100% government guaranteed deposits)
2. Ukreximbank (state)
3. Ukrsibbank (BNP Paribas Group, France)
4. Raiffeisen Bank Aval (Raiffeisen Bank, Austria)
5. Credit Agricole Bank (Credit Agricole, France)
6. Kredobank (PKO Bank Polski, Poland)
7. Ukrgasbank (State)
8. Ukrsotsbank (ABH Holdings, Luxembourg, Russia)
9. ProCredit Bank (ProCredit Bank, Germany)
10. OTP Bank (OTP Bank, Hungary)
The top 10 safest banks for businesses
1. Credit Agricole Bank (Credit Agricole, France)
2. Kredobank (PKO Bank Polski, Poland)
3. Ukraine Citibank (Citigroup, USA)
4. UkrSibbank (BNP Paribas Group, France)
5. Oschadbank (State)
6. Ukreximbank (state)
7. Raiffeisen Bank Aval (Raiffeisen Bank, Austria)
8. Alfa-Bank (ABH Holdings, Luxembourg, Russia)
9. ProCredit Bank (ProCredit Bank, Germany)
10. Ukrsotsbank (ABH Holdings, Luxembourg, Russia)
System according NBU banks. The main criteria for systemic importance is the total amount of assets, liabilities, businesses and individuals, system interconnections in the banking system (the volume of interbank lending) and lending to key sectors of the economy.