Project provide following products:
• natural food concentrate-dyes (which have antioxidant and various healing properties for the food industry);
• healing, energy drinks, dietary supplements for the prevention and treatment:
– degenerative diseases such as cancer (colon, breast, lung);
– cardiovascular disease;
– prophylaxis of insult;
– age-related diseases;
– decrease of cataracts and retinal dystrophy (age-related macular degeneration, affecting the retina and are the cause partial loss of vision);
– damages of the organism from radiation.
Descriptions of location – availability of sufficient raw materials.
Description of technology:
Know-how for the production and conservation of beta-carotene in the pasta. The unique technology allows to bring the content of natural beta-carotene from 5% up to 30% in a paste and the further extraction of carotene in a yield at least 96-98%. The product contains great balance minerals and alginic acid and all related carotenoids: lutein, zeaxanthin, astaxanthin, alpha-carotene.
Total capacity – from 120 mt per year.
Current stage – working prototype.
Documentation is available on the project – shovel ready.