EBRD to allocate $ 40 million for the construction of a grain terminal in Odessa.
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development may allocate a long-term loan of up to $ 40 million GN Terminal Enterprises Ltd (Cyprus) – сompanies from GNT Group to finance the expansion of the existing capacity of the grain terminal in the port of Odessa.
The total cost of the project entitled Serseris Grain Terminal, including both expansion of terminal capacity and storage capacity, according to the document, is estimated at $ 69 million.
CHS Inc. the spring of 2009 announced the launch of the investment in the joint with GN Terminals (Odessa) project to create an export grain terminal in Ukraine on the Black Sea coast near Odessa handling capacity of 2 million tons per year. Then he clarified that CHS will manage part of the terminal capacities, including transportation infrastructure, through the CHS Europe office in Geneva (Switzerland), as well as to marketing the whole grain.
As for GNT, the EBRD at the end of February this year approved a loan of up to $ 18.7 million Cypriot subsidiary GNT Olimpex Holding Ltd. for the construction of the Odessa port facilities for drying and cleaning of grain. According to him, the complex drying and cleaning of grain with annual capacity of 0.5 million tons will be integrated with visiting the same port transshipment terminal companies, through which last year were exported about 2.4 million tons of cereals.