Rada adopted in first reading a bill on the privatization.
The Verkhovna Rada adopted in first reading a bill on the privatization of №2319a-d.
The adoption of this bill as a basis supported by 237 deputies at the minimum required 226.
The draft law stipulates that the privatization as buyers are not allowed legal entity (or related persons), registered in the country-aggressor. This restriction also applies to natural persons having the nationality of the aggressor country.
The bill also makes changes to the laws “On privatization of state property” and “On the State Property Fund”, overriding norm of compulsory sale on the stock exchanges of 5-10% of the objects of groups “B” and “D” to the competition and allowing the MFI to attract privatization advisers objects.
According to the document, the attraction of advisers in the privatization process can be carried out at the expense of the state budget, funds from international organizations and other sources not prohibited by law, by decision of the Cabinet.
The project also includes the expansion of the powers of the Cabinet in terms of attracting advisors solutions to prepare for privatization and sale of objects of state property.