The next tranche of the IMF loan of $ 1.7 billion Ukraine will receive in July.
Equity tranche will be used to replenish the gold reserves of the NBU.
“They are very important because thanks to them we will gradually recover our gold reserves. But late this tranche is not so critically affect our stability, as it would, for example, in the case of the first tranche of $ 5 billion,” – said the Minister of Finance of Ukraine Natalia Yaresko .
Yaresko expressed confidence that the IMF will support Ukraine if he sees substantial progress in the restructuring of public debt.
As previously reported, on March 11 the IMF Executive Board approved the allocation of Ukraine $ 17.5 billion under the 4-year program EFF (Extended Fund Facility).
March 13 IMF transferred Ukraine the first tranche of a $ 5 billion program for the EFF.