The trade surplus in October was $ 0.2 billion.
In October, the surplus of the consolidated balance of payments amounted to 229 million dollars (in October last year the deficit was 3.5 billion dollars).
This is stated in the accounting data of the National Bank.
The National Bank notes that the formation of a consolidated surplus of balance of payments allowed to increase foreign exchange reserves to $ 13 billion (3.1 months of the future period).
In October the current account deficit of the balance of payments amounted to 322 million dollars (in October last year the deficit was 0.4 billion dollars) due to deterioration in foreign trade.
Although the annual rate of decline in exports of goods remained almost unchanged compared with September (23.3%), net of seasonal factors exports for the month decreased by 6.6%.
In contrast to exports, imports of goods increased significantly in October 2015 – by 11% m / m, while in annual decline slowed to 21.2% (from 34.5% in September).
The determining factor in this dynamic was the growth in energy imports.