The Verkhovna Rada sent on second reading a bill on the reduction of terms of business checks.
The Verkhovna Rada did not quite get enough votes for adoption in the second reading and the whole bill №2418a providing for reduction of terms of business checks
Parliament has not received enough votes for adoption in the second reading and the whole bill №2418a providing for reduction of terms of business inspections. In this regard, the document was sent to the second reading. For this decision voted 240 deputies at the minimum required 226.
According to the document, the maximum duration of planned inspections is reduced from 15 to 10 working days. With regard to small businesses maximum period of routine inspection will be 5 working days.
The total duration of planned inspections carried out during the calendar year in respect of a business entity may not exceed 30 working days, and in the case of small businesses – 15 working days.
The bill provides for the introduction of a rule whereby the state supervisory authority (control) is responsible for the violation of the rights and legitimate interests of a business entity.
It is also envisaged the introduction of a presumption of legitimacy of a business entity activity in cases where provision of the law or other legal act uniquely interprets the rights and obligations of a business entity or authority of the body of state supervision (control), so that the possible decision in favor of a business entity, as well as in favor of the body of state supervision (control).
Under the bill, the supervisory authority must first report to the subject of managing error made in the statements and not to conduct an unscheduled inspection immediately. The delay with the filing statements for one period will not be grounds for inspection.
In addition, the supervisory authority will not be able to carry out repeated checks on the same facts.
Inspection bodies are obliged within 15 days to provide individual consulting business, while, if the economic entity acting on the basis of these consultations, to it can not be sanctioned.
According to the estimates of the authors of the bill, its passage will promote deshadowing economy, will reduce the number of inspections of business and limit the intervention of regulatory authorities in the work of business.
As reported, the Verkhovna Rada adopted the bill in the first reading №2418a November 12, 2015.