In Ukraine produced 1 million tons of sugar.
As of October 2016 with the beginning of the season sugar mills Ukraine produced 1.04 million tons of sugar and processed 7.1 million tons of sugar beet. It is reported by the press service of “Ukrtsukor”.
Currently in Ukraine there are 41 sugar mill with a capacity of 162.5 thous.tons per day.
In 2016/2017 MG “Ukrtsukor” expects sugar production at the level of 2 million tons.
“Despite the adverse weather conditions that prevailed in August and September (excessive drought), followed by incessant rains, the producers still managed to increase sugar production. At the same time last year we had 774.5 thousand tones of sugar. Also changed and qualitative indicators: increased sugar yield of 0.3%, indicating that manufacturers improve production and upgrade the power system, “- said the Head of analytical department of” Ukrtsukor “.
Recall, that in 2015 was produced 1.4 million tons of sugar.